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Claiming Social Security Early - Beware This Pitfall


February 3.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter. Thanks to everyone for the great conversations going on in the Blogs - very spirited andinformative!
-----Advertisement: Sponsored by Village Park Homes---
The Meadows at New Riverside New Homes from the Lower $200's. Serene setting with miles of walking/biking trails in a nature-oriented community just minutes from Hilton Head Island & Savannah.  
-----------------  End Sponsorship------------

The "Mile High City" offers plentiful parks and just about every type of neighborhood, community, and recreational opportunity. The sun shines 300 days a year.

About 50% of Social Security recipients take it at age 62, the earliest possible time.  Many of those make a big mistake by not working from age 62 to 66, based on mistaken information about penalties for working.  Read on to learn 4 reasons why working can be a good idea.

Famed for its NASA Marshall Space Flight Center , Huntsville attracts retirees from all over the country. It has nice communities, beautiful parks, and a vibrant commercial and cultural infrastructure.
We see enough comments from our Members and visitors to realize that many of you have very specific wants when it comes to finding your best place to retire. Using our Advanced Search feature you can find places in each state that offer specificamenities, types of housing, community size, winter/summer temps, etc. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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